Sustainable Thermal Desalination

Membrane distillation
by Aquastill.

Aquastill is the global technology leader in the field of membrane distillation. Our innovative technology can desalinate water on a medium (1000 m3/day) scale, at competitive costs and with minimal impact on the environment. Using waste or solar heat to power the process sustainably. With Aquastill you can desalinate water while reducing your carbon footprint.

New job offer:

We welcome you as our Mechanical or Process Engineer to support the development, optimization, and production of our membrane distillation systems.

Do you have some hands-on experience and a strong willingness to learn and grow within our company? You will work closely with the project manager and other team members, contributing to both technical and practical tasks that help drive our projects forward.

Latest news:

5 August 2024 – Aquastill acquires SolarSpring Membrane Distillation assets out of liquidation

The assets acquired consist of the Intellectual Property (IP), laboratory equipment and selected R&D projects, which…

Our project on Bonaire: the results.

Aquastill is the first to successfully put a project involving sustainable desalination of seawater by membrane distillation into practice.

Find more background and results in the video or click the button below.

Aquastill Membrane Distillation

membrane distillation?

The world has a great need for clean water and, on the other hand, has excessive waste heat and solar heat sources. Aquastill membrane distillation uses these heat sources to extract pure water from saline water. Aiming to produce safe drinking or purified water.

Aquastill - Who profits from membrane distillation

Who benefits from
membrane distillation?

Anyone who needs clean water and has access to sea water or brackish water, can benefit from our technology. Also if you need to dispose saline waste water and want a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) solution, membrane distillation can be of help.

What is
membrane distillation?

At Aquastill we have industrialized a natural process. Our technology uses membrane distillation to extract pure water from a saline stream by evaporation through a hydrophobic membrane. Rejecting 99,97% contaminant in a single step.

How does our
membrane distillation

Aquastill has closely collaborated with the most renowned research institutes, universities and multinationals on earth. Over forty successful installations all over the world show capacities for clean water generation that are out of this world. Want more proof?


Aquastill - Bart Nelemans
Bart Nelemans Our Founder & Inventor
Bart on LinkedIn
Aquastill - Joanna Carvalho
Joana Carvalho Our Project Manager & Trainer
Joana on LinkedIn
Aquastill - Rebecca Swantes
Rebecca Schwantes Our Scientific Advisor
Rebecca on LinkedIn
Rob Melk
Rob Melk Our Strategist
Rob on LinkedIn
sustainable heat
desalinates water